A Spiritual Person


A spiritual person is not by definition a clueless, impractical recluse. If they choose to become so, they are probably skewing their pies in the same way as someone who totally neglects the spirit does. If we are here on this planet, we have a purpose. A spiritual person simply gets in touch with his spirit enough to allow that purpose to flow through. It is when we are not in touch with the self that we get caught up in what others expects us to do and are constantly at odds with our being. Spiritual practices do not substitute our being. Spiritual practices do not substitute our worldly life, but help us live it more meaningfully.

With every passing day we build ambition, expectations, opinions and stress into our system. And then exhausted, we stop all activity, and turn to spirituality. Instead, if we were to approach our lives as the pie chart, and continually nurture all facets of our being, we will lead more balanced lives. Our work and what we are here to achieve can be put into perspective. What we do with our lives, career wise or family wise will itself be a truer expression of ourselves. So where is the question of exhaustion?

Contrary to the image of a self-absorbed ascetic, a truly spiritual person is an embodiment of service. He is aware of his self and society and is able to achieve a harmony between the two. When you reserve spiritual practices for old age, you have lost this most precious opportunity to serve society. You turn to spirituality for entirely selfish reasons: you are disappointed with the world, frustrated, having discovered rather late that money and fame have not brought you happiness. You want to give it all up and just be.

Well, nothing is yours to give up in the first place. And this realization dawns upon you when you are in touch with the self. The earlier in life you start the journey, the longer this knowledge is with you. For an older person, spirituality involves a process of undoing, i.e. getting rid of the stress; for a younger person, spiritual expands into a process of doing. i.e. serving with awareness.


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